Here’s How to Become an Unf*ckwithable Genius — So You Can Remove 99% of the Drama from Life

And die freaking happy.

Tim Denning
Published in
6 min readMar 14, 2022


Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

Businesswomen who don’t put up with bad boys are the best.

My friend is like that.

You can’t screw with her. Recently, her boss said, after a few drinks in front of the team, that she was unstructured and he can’t control her.

In corporate, that means you’re sh*t.

She’s a 30-something new mother with a badass attitude. She makes the average sales guy look like a knobhead with a limp d*ck.

She runs circles around every person I’ve ever worked with. She can go into a customer meeting with zero notes and speak fluently about a topic she has no clue about. I saw her do it once with crypto. She had no idea about it and sounded smart.

No matter what any dumb boss says, you can’t mess with her. She’ll show up, follow up, and blow up most debates. So what did she do about these lazy comments from a rude boss?

Ohhhhhh nothing.

Next day she just went on LinkedIn jobs and made her way outta that hellhole.

Becoming an unf*ckwithable genius is about knowing your stuff, respecting yourself, not letting dumb mofos get you down, and giving…



Tim Denning

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