Hey! Did Someone Reinvent Email?

Three-month review of Basecamp’s new email app

Sharon Hurley Hall
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2020


by Sharon Hurley Hall

Main Hey functions — screenshot by author
Main Hey functions — screenshot by author

Update: I cancelled my Hey account due to Basecamp’s stance on what it considers “political” discussion. Check out this article on The Verge for the details.

Anyone who knows me knows I suffer from shiny new object syndrome, though I’m trying to recover.

I’m also always looking for better ways to do things. So when Basecamp said they were launching a new, improved email client called Hey, I didn’t think twice before signing up.

It’s not the first time I’ve tried new approaches to email. I was an early user of Gmail, and of the now-defunct Inbox, and I’ve tried other desktop email clients, too. Several years on, Gmail is the only one I use regularly.

Still, I was as curious as the next person to see if email really could be reinvented, so I had to try it out for myself. A few months on, my answer to the questions is sorta kinda. There are a couple…



Sharon Hurley Hall
Writer for

Antiracism activist, author, educator. Co-Founder, Mission Equality. Co-host: Introvert Sisters . She/her.