How Digital De-cluttering Improves Your Mental & Financial Health

Frances Hickmott
Published in
7 min readNov 19, 2022


In a digital world, the acquisition is easy but there’s a price

Woman sitting with one hand on her chin and the other on the mouse of her laptop.
Photo by Samsung Memory on Unsplash

Yesterday I started purging. Digital purging. It started with a planned end to a Facebook group I’d created for a free masterclass I’d run. Letting it go gave me a surprising sense of relief. Something I didn’t need to take care of any longer. That realization got me thinking about the link between digital clutter and mental health.

Turns out, research is proving out the link between our digital space and mental health is just as important as what occurs with our physical space.

According to the Canadian Association for Mental Health,

“Our environment can impact our mood. If our surroundings stress us out, we feel the impact. Reducing the clutter in our lives — be it physical, digital or otherwise — allows us to tackle stressors head-on and that benefits our mental health.”

While considering your digital space, you might find as I did, that there’s been a digital creep of apps, platforms, groups, and even email newsletters. Things you’ve acquired over time that no longer serve you. Some rest on devices while others are online. Attending both will benefit your mental health.



Frances Hickmott

Writer/Speaker/Author-” Journey to Joy,” writes about mental health, self-improvement, and resilience.