How I Overcame Insomnia

Tips for insomniacs from a software developer’s perspective

Restarone Solutions


Image courtesy of Sabri Tuzcu

Having dealt with insomnia since the age of 16, I was no stranger to the inconveniences brought on by the lack of sleep, but pursuing a career in software development alongside being unable to sleep was debilitating.

On most days I would start my work-day around 6 AM, which meant that for me to get a good night’s sleep I would have to fall asleep at the latest, around 12 AM. For the majority of the workweek, this was not the case, I would lay in bed till 3 or 4 in the morning unable to fall asleep.

The following morning, I would wake up to the sound of my alarm with a burning sensation in my eyes and a raging headache. I would start my workday, hoping that tonight might be different, it hardly ever was.

I tried a lot of things, ranging from complaining to my doctor to taking part in a sleep study (which ironically was inconclusive because I was unable to achieve any level of sleep for them to gather data).

Here are some of the strategies that helped me overcome my onset insomnia and while I am not 100% cured, these tips help me get restful sleep for at least 5 days a week.

1. Practice and master sleep hygiene



Restarone Solutions

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