How I Will Be More Present This Year

Could uttering a few words inside my mixed up head make any difference in the real world?

Anthony Beckman


Photo by Kloud Walker on Unsplash

“Slow Down” — it’s the mantra I’m stepping into 2021 with. Do I really need to be reminded to slow down after a year spent indoors without much to do? Yes. Yes, I do.

The way I think of a mantra is a short phrase I keep in mind and say to myself often. A reminder to do something or lean in a certain direction. For me, a mantra is more like self-talk, rather than something that might be found in Transcendental Meditation or Kirtan Music.

I didn’t always think mantras and self-talk possessed value. For many years I believed they were quaint at best and delusional at worst. As rational beings, I believed that if we knew what we wanted to do, we’d simply do it. In hindsight, I “knew” this despite heaping mounds of evidence that I behaved otherwise.

What could uttering a few words inside my mixed up head do to make any difference in the real world? I immediately wrote off anyone who even suggested a mantra to me. I knew better and saw through the farce. I wasn’t going to buy into “The Secret” or the “laws of attraction.” Instead, if I set realistic goals — I’d have all the direction and motivation needed to achieve those goals and live as the best version of…



Anthony Beckman

Dad, husband, thinker, writer, exerciser. “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” — Dumbledore