How Long Before You Demand The Best For Yourself?

Don’t wait to make the changes you desire

Tom Stevenson


Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

New Year’s resolutions are almost as popular as the celebration of the New Year itself. Every year, millions of people across the globe decide to make a change in their lives.

Maybe it’s they want to change their diet. Maybe they want to spend more time in the gym, or maybe it’s something as simple as writing 500 words a day. Whatever the resolution, they all have on thing in common: they all start on January 1.

If you’ve not already, the question you should be asking is why wait until an arbitrary date to make a change in your life? Why not make the change earlier? Why do you need to wait for the completion of the Earth’s journey around the sun before you make a change in your life?

I don’t have the answer to that question. Society dictates that this is a time when people should change their habits and many people play along. They don’t realise that they are free to make these changes at any point. Nothing is holding them back except for themselves.

In one study, less than 10% of people kept their resolutions for more than a few months. This was backed up by a BUPA poll in the UK, which found that 74% of the people involved failed to make their resolution last a year.

