How My Writing Evolved the Last Year and Is About to Change Again

To Keep It Going, I Need to Keep It Fresh

Darryl Brooks


Is your writing the same all the time?

Doesn’t that get boring?

I like to think about my writing over the last year as a steady climb. If it were a line chart, it would look like a constant diagonal moving ever upward.

But that’s not the reality. That line is actually a series of jagged peaks interspersed with deep valleys.

I shouldn’t be surprised. That’s the way my writing has always been. I started writing almost twenty years ago with a few memoir pieces. I soon realized no one wanted to know how I spent my summer vacation. So, I moved on to fiction. This freshened up my writing and got me excited about it again.

Until I figured out, I couldn’t make any money at it.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s not all about the money. I do a lot of things I enjoy that don’t earn me any money. But like with photography, once I figure out I can make money at something I enjoy doing, it seems foolish not to do both.

So, I moved on to non-fiction. Once again, this got my creative juices flowing again. Mostly because those creative juices were fueled by the money pouring in.



Darryl Brooks

Photographer & Writer-I shoot what I see-I write what I feel. Top writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, Productivity, Self Improvement, Business, Life Lessons