How NPC Mentality Was Keeping You Poor All This Time and 3 Ways To Do Something About It

Stand up for yourself, as your children will follow your example as they grow older.

Noorain Ali


Photo by Nathan Van de Graaf on Unsplash
  • We make conscious or unconscious decisions.

I agree — unconscious ones are pretty easy to make. You see your friend James eating junk food, wasting money on Air Jordan, and impressing girls, and you walk down the same path. Without knowing, this becomes your habit for the rest of your life.

Dan Koe states this term as “non-player character” or NPC. These people are trapped in their environment and are unable to break free from their learned behaviors. 99% of mediocre people have this problem.

Unknowingly, they adopt certain habits into their lives and then wonder, “Why am I not successful?

Had I only known before how to reverse NPC to the main character, life would be awesome. So below are habits you can practice to break free from the repeating NPC reality and, instead, become intelligent.

To become an Intelligent Imitation or main character,

1. Choose the right folks

You have limited knowledge.



Noorain Ali

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