How Openness Can Keep You Human

Jeremy Sutton, PhD
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2021


Remaining open may keep the music playing for longer

Mike Giles on Unsplash

It’s ok not to know where you are heading, just so long as you are open to what you find along the way. After all, being closed to new ideas keeps us ignorant, sheltered from new opportunities and connections.

Think of the good things in your life. Were they all expected and planned? Did they arrive on time, as expected? Or did they appear on those days, when you were a little more open, a touch less jaded and open to what life has to offer?

But why is it important to remain open?

Openness reflects who we are, our outlook regarding new opportunities — our readiness to engage in change. It even predicts whether we experience chills from something aesthetically pleasing — that piece of music, a sunset, a smile from someone we love.

And yet, while openness is one of psychology’s Big 5 personality traits, there is even debate over its name and how its constructed.

We do know that it shapes intellectual curiosity. The 90-year old using the internet, and the young child exploring the piano’s sounds, are both open to experience.

Openness also offers a buffer against stress, promotes engagement in diverse activities in later life, and predicts creative



Jeremy Sutton, PhD

Positive & performance psychologist, University of Liverpool lecturer, Owner/Coach