How Socrates Could Save America

Socratic Questioning, Stoicism and a Return to Virtue Ethics

Donald J. Robertson


Why did an angry mob storm the U.S. Capitol Building on 6th January? Perhaps simply because it seemed to them like the right thing to do. In their own imagination, they were acting quite righteously, and felt completely justified in doing things that looked to the rest of the world like madness, and a form of insurrection.

One woman turned to a reporter and said excitedly: “We should all go in, get them, and teach them a lesson.”

On hearing the initial news that the building had been breached, the crowd protesting outside cheered loudly. One woman turned to a reporter and said excitedly: “We should all go in, get them, and teach them a lesson.” Indeed, hot tempers can turn many people into budding educationalists. Take moral confusion, stir in self-righteous anger, and what you end up with, though, is a recipe for all sorts of violence. (Check out the Instagram video of this article if you want to listen to me read it as well.)

Screencap by the author. Public Domain. Video reading of this article.



Donald J. Robertson

Cognitive psychotherapist, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor. Sign up for my new Substack newsletter: