How to Become More Patient, By Definition

Yes, it’s easier said than done

Laura Bosch


Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

I’ve had countless conversations with friends and family about patience. It’s that skill we all wish would come more naturally to us so we wouldn’t feel so annoyed and agitated when we have to endure tedious situations. Oftentimes, those situations involve waiting, and all we want to do is skip to the end. Whether it’s waiting in line or waiting for our dreams to come to fruition, we wish we didn’t feel that yearning to go faster.

Well, there’s a theory that suggests we can.

My aunt and uncle were out of town for the week so I accepted my cousin’s invitation to stay with her and keep her company. I was working from home, so all I needed was my laptop. A perfect arrangement. We could both do our own thing during the day, and hang out in the evenings.

She’s a few years younger than me and was into the third month of her first job. I won’t pretend I know what she actually does, all I know is she’s an electrical engineer…lights and stuff right?

She was usually gone by the time I woke up in the morning, so I was surprised to hear the sound of Chandler Bing’s voice coming from her bedroom. I knocked on the door and saw her lying in bed, in her pajamas, looking less than pleasant. “I’m ill,” she said. We spoke for a few…



Laura Bosch

Candid stories and actionable insights about work and life to help you navigate adulthood and embrace a life in limbo.