How to Bond With Your One True Body

First off, quit with the snarky put-downs.

Jean Shortall-Roznik


Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Our body is our best friend.

Who carries us — and our neurotic thoughts — around morning to night, week to week, month to month, year to year?

Our hands feed us, change tires, caress our beloveds, and type our thoughts into the world. Our arms carry toys, book bags, groceries, work materials, briefcases, and babies. Our legs haul us up and down stairs and carry us hundreds, if not thousands, of miles over our lifetime.

And how do we show appreciation for all the companionship, hanging-in-there, and grunt work?

With criticism and snarky comments. That’s how.

My legs are too fat, thin, short.
My boobs are too big, small, droopy, lob sided.
My abs don’t look 6-pack-y.
My thighs look like mashed potatoes.
My hair is too limp, frizzy, dull, receding, or has gone AWOL.
My eyes are too small, large, or protruding.
My _______ is too __________. (Fill in the insult.)

Our body shows up for us every day and all we do is wince and find fault when we study it in the mirror.

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Jean Shortall-Roznik

Tri-citizen: Ireland, Canada, US. Mother, physical therapist, environmentalist, contrarian. Washington Post, Globe and Mail, Charlotte Observer, NPR.