How to Commit to Your Self-Improvement Like a Badass

“What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing.” ― Pablo Picasso

Eve Arnold


Photo by Travis Yewell on Unsplash

“What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing.”
― Pablo Picasso

Yet on a cold winter’s morning, your body works against you. You know you should jump out of bed, start your day right and get to work on the stuff that you know is important. You know that. But yet the allure of the warm cosy bed hugs you into a false sense of security.

It tricks your brain into thinking this is exactly where you should be.

And just like that, another day passes where you sleep in. It’s funny because just yesterday you were telling yourself that you need to get back into a routine. You need to start getting up early so you can do those things you want to before work starts. And you know you always feel 100x better if you start your day properly.

You’ve grown tired of your own lack of commitment. By this point, you’ve had numerous chats with yourself about your goals. You say to yourself ‘you can’t expect to live the life that you want if you don’t put in the work’. You nod, in agreement with yourself, and you decide that tomorrow is the day that…

