How to Create Affirmations That Actually Work

5 affirmation rules that don’t rely on toxic positivity

Lee McKay Doe


Does positive thinking, manifesting mantras and “leaving it all to the universe” leave you feeling frustrated? Perhaps you’ve bought another ‘life changing’ book and instead of feeling inspired, you feel cynical.

If so, you probably share my penchant for a more compassionate way of relating to yourself.

Affirmations are EVERYWHERE.

The notion is that if you repeat them into the mirror daily (or whatever prescriptive ‘rule’ is given) the affirmation will come true.

I get it. When things are tough it feels good to believe that we are doing something productive. And sometimes setting an intention can be a powerful way to inspire action.

But in the therapy room, clients often tell me that they are tired of blaming themselves when affirmations don’t work. They secretly wonder if they are just a negative person, or that they are just not ‘doing it right’.

When I shared this post on Instagram, I was overwhelmed by the number of people who resonated.



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