How to Finally Get Yourself to Bed on Time

So you can actually enjoy tomorrow

Published in
5 min readDec 21, 2020


You’ve stayed up too late watching Netflix again. You know you shouldn’t, but you just can’t help it. Every day you come home tired from a job that you don’t like so much and so of course, you want to maximize your pleasure time. You always watch one or two more episodes than you should, so by the time you finally go to sleep, you wake up with an hour or two less than you should have and feel exhausted as a result.

Ugh, that blaring alarm clock goes off and you drag yourself out of bed, ready to do it all over again.

Sound like you? Clearly, you aren’t alone. Articles and advice on sleep abound all over places like Medium and the wider Internet, telling you why you can’t get to sleep, how to have good sleep hygiene, how many hours of sleep to get and so on. None of it seems to help though. That’s because it doesn’t address the core issue of why people are staying up late in the first place.

It’s similar to why people eat junk food. Sure, there is conflicting dietary advice out there, but when you get down to the nuts and bolts of it, everyone knows that fast food and soda isn’t good for them, but they consume it anyway. It’s not a knowledge problem, it’s a compliance problem. You know you shouldn’t stay up late, but you do anyway. The…

