How to Focus and Shut Out Distractions

Cali Bird
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2020


You want to get on with your creative work or your side project but your family are going crazy around you.

Your phone seems to rule your life.

You’ve just read yet another blog which is telling you that you’re doing it all wrong and you must buy a course now for instant success.

If your creative ambition exceeds the time you have available it is easy to go in ever decreasing circles trying to find the best way to fit it all in. You find yourself busily going nowhere.

How can you shut out all of these distractions and focus on producing quality work which satisfies your soul and makes you proud?

In the internet world all of this distraction is called ‘content’ and there’s a LOT of it out there.

Scolding yourself for being so bad at focus wastes precious mental energy. The tech companies know how to hook us and our brains are wired to latch onto something bright and shiny. Instead, employ the tips below to mitigate against these diversions.

7 ways to focus and shut out distractions

  1. Recognise that there is a lot of noise out there and you can’t do it all using everybody’s secret methodology.
  2. Unsubscribe from newsletters which overwhelm you with stuff…



Cali Bird

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out