How to Deal With Emotional Pain Better

Keep reading to develop a happier existence.

Francesca Phillips


Did you know that most of us live in a trance? Rather than feeling vibrant and fully connected to each moment, many feel foggy, irritable, or “out of it”. It’s become so normal most don’t realize it’s happening. Trance looks like rushing through the day, getting lost in thought, forgetting to eat or breathe deeper.

Since I started running two businesses there were days where my first meal was dinner and my laptop glued to my tired hands. My mind felt like a bunch of jumbled cables which fueled my constant anxiety. After my relationships started suffering I knew I needed to take this “balance” thing seriously.

In her book, Radical Compassion*, Tara Brach says, “Being in a trance is like being in a dream. We’re unaware that there’s a larger, living reality.” We’re cut off from our rich inner life and experience a disconnect between the body and heart.

How do you know if you’re in trance?

Any time you’re not present. When you can’t remember what you did today. When you feel irritable with everyone — your kids, husband, boss. Eating a whole bag of chips without even realizing it. If you feel overwhelmed by even the smallest things…yep, trance.



Francesca Phillips

Writer, mom, copywriter with a B.A. in Psychology. Get my emails and simplify your morning routine: