How To Help a Lonely Person Better Manage Their Loneliness

Don’t be like the many clueless people

Boateng Sekyere


A girls sitting all alone at an entrance
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Dwindling friends, distant relatives, grueling jobs, and major life changes have pushed countless many into loneliness.

Little wonder, then, that nearly one in two American adults say they feel lonely.

And consequently, loneliness keeps clubbing its victims on their heads — lonely people are more likely to suffer depression, altered brain function, increased stress levels, and anti-social behavior.

Stepping in to help the situation are social media companies. They help us all to enjoy the company of our friends if we use their products right.

But an @ and a red heart are not nearly warm enough to reduce the biting cold of loneliness. Here are some extra tips we can all adopt, or at least adapt to help the lonely around us to better cope with it.

1. Connect with people correctly.

The easiest way to help someone fight loneliness is to connect with them. And thankfully, with the rise of communication tech, we can cut some chords of loneliness that have tied many people down.

IM, SMS, VOIP, phone calls, video calls, and conference calls could help breach the gap. But we could miss the…



Boateng Sekyere
Writer for

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