How to Help Your Child Become a Better Reader

A Quick Start Guide to Reading Conferences

Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator


This article is the first in a series designed to help parents help their children improve their reading skills without educational jargon.

A Reading Conference is a technique used in schools to help students improve their reading skills. This technique works to support school-based or home-based education. If the parent can read the parent can teach a child to read, specific knowledge or training is not necessary.

There are three requirements:

  1. A child
  2. A book
  3. An adult

To help you think about the process here is a quick analogy. Teaching reading and teaching driving. Typically the adult teaching driving had no special training. If you can drive a car you can teach driving. If you were taught to drive at some point the following three requirements were met:

  1. A young person, (you)
  2. A car
  3. An adult

The Driving Lesson

The typical driving lesson takes place on a quiet stretch of road, an empty parking lot, or a field depending on where you live. The car is sometimes an older model that the young person is familiar with. The…



Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator

Hi my name is Alex, I am a recovering educator. After more than 30 years in the educational industrial complex, I’m now thinking inside a bigger box.