How to Inspire and Encourage Yourself with a Daily Word

A daily word practice saved me when my world fell apart

Sandra Pawula


A woman holding a note book to her chest with a flower insert and ocean background. How to encourage and inspire yourself every day.
Photo by John Diez from Pexels

You’ve probably heard of choosing a guiding word for the year. Have you ever considered selecting a guiding word for each day?

A few years ago, my world fell apart. I lost my most important relationship, I lost my home and almost all my possessions in a natural disaster. I lost my spiritual way due the revelation of abuse in my spiritual community.

At the time, I’d been learning about various creative approaches to productivity journaling. I couldn’t manage all that entailed given my level of emotional distress. But from that interest, I evolved a dedicated practice of choosing a guiding word or phrase for each day.

It became a powerful practice that helped me navigate the breadth and depth of these compound losses, which affected me for months and years to come.

My Daily Word Practice

Some days, I needed a word to inspire me. Other days, I needed a word to encourage me. And many days, I needed a word to focus or motivate me.

Each morning, I’d tune into myself to see what I needed. Because I was struggling emotionally, I didn’t have to dig deep to find the perfect word or phrase I needed as a…



Sandra Pawula

Essays to calm your mind, ease your heart and access your inner wisdom. I love Hawaii, mindfulness, and living with ease.