How to Learn Everything Faster

Thu Vu
Published in
6 min readAug 26, 2020


Being good at learning has become the foremost important skill in a fast-changing world.

Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

The world and society as a whole are changing faster than ever before — demographically (aging population), technologically (emergence of AI, mass digitalisation and automation, quantum computing and IoT), economically (the ongoing trade wars and the expected recession due to Covid19 pandemic) as well as environmentally (global warming).

About 40% of the current jobs will disappear by 2030. New jobs will be created, some of them are yet beyond our imagination. Chances are we are going to have a major career change in our 40s, 50s and 60s.

Want it or not, we are all set to be lifelong learners.

How do we prepare for that? The only way is to master the skill of learning.

Let’s look at how successful people and master learners have honed this skill for themselves.

Time to redraw your boundaries

Alright, I don’t want to repeat what 100 other people already told you. But this is too much of an important point to take for granted.

Your upbringing and life experience give you a set of beliefs, assumptions and boundary of what’s possible and what’s not. Some of us grew up with the belief that you are an absolute…



Thu Vu

Data science consultant | CS major | Youtube @Thu Vu data analytics