How to Rebuild Communities in a Post-Pandemic World

How to reconnect and rebuild, one relationship at a time

Flannery Maney


Photo by Asya Cusima from Pexels

My favorite day of the week used to be Monday night. I’d leave a crowded LA coffee shop, put the finishing touches on some pages, cross town with a bottle of wine and cheese puffs in hand, and join my group of four fabulous lady writers. We’d drink wine, snack, and share our work. We supported each other through the trials of our careers and swapped valuable industry information and insight.

In the pandemic, I lost my Monday group, my roommates, my film crew, my creative company and our frequent open mics, my football party group, and the countless families for whom I‘d watch dogs, kids, and houses. We’ve seen a massive decimation of community in 2020/2021. Maybe we have our family, our sig other, or a pet. Mostly, it’s a lot of Netflix.

Many around the world are still suffering from this pandemic. If you are lucky enough to have received your full efficacy after your second dose, you’re probably emerging slowly, carefully. If you’re like us, you are timidly dipping your toe back into life. And yet? It still feels lonely.

Community is Crucial

As an aggressively gregarious person, community is my lifeblood. Some of my favorite activities are the ones…



Flannery Maney

History/Life/Travel. Featured on The Ascent & Curious. From Ohio, but currently call LA, London, & Italy home. Love histories, crime dramas, and kids animation!