How to Remain Unbothered in a Terribly Bothersome World

Start living life on your own terms



Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

What bothered me? Other people’s opinions, no doubt. I didn’t act, sing, or dance in high school because I was too bothered with what others thought. I put people’s judgments above my own, and I started to suppress the things that made me unique.

Why did someone else’s opinion matter so much?

Being unbothered is easier said than done, and I’m in no way a master at this. Truthfully, being unbothered is an entire art form and needs consistent practice.

What happens when you stop letting others bother you? You can finally start living life on your own terms. You take control of what you want, without feeling judgment from others. It’s hard to be happy when you’re always bothered by what others think of you.

“Whenever we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and it becomes part of our belief system.”
Don Miguel Ruiz

How can we start living life on our own terms, without being bothered by what others think of us?

Prioritize yourself first

Yes, the world does revolve around you. Who else? It might sound selfish, but that’s the point. This is the most important step towards remaining…




I like talking about life, personal finance, and mental health.