How to Smash Distractions and Get Stuff Done

Four odd ways to immediately increase productivity.

Michael Rauscher


Photo by Nirmal Rajendharkumar on Unsplash

Do you sometimes feel like you lack time to finish all your tasks while your to-do list grows endlessly? As if one important task already distracts you from another critical task?

Do you give it your all but it still seems like you’re barely moving? Let me tell you: You’re not alone.

Even though we all have the same 24 hours each day, some of us seem to get much more done than others. These people have acquired specific traits that help them master their productivity.

Spoiler alert: They don’t work harder or smarter in the first place. They’ve learned what nurtures their productivity and what doesn’t.

They distinguish between these three disciplines.

One main reason for distraction is accomplishing tasks with entirely different natures. Hence they are interfering with each other.

In his book Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It, Michael E. Gerber states why businesses tend to fail. He mentioned the common misconception that a business owner is supposed to work 24/7:

If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business — you have a job. And it’s…



Michael Rauscher

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on