How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Back on Track

Get over putting things off.

Karen karen


Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

Do you procrastinate from the tiniest to the most significant project and use excellent excuses to justify your lack of action?

You’re not alone. We all put things off until tomorrow — and tomorrow becomes next week — or next month — and sometimes even years!

But why do you procrastinate?

It’s not just one reason. That would be too easy.

Let’s take a look.

Infinite Preparation

If you want to start a project or learn a hobby, you need to learn the necessary steps. You need to practice those steps. And practice implies action.

Before putting things into action, you need preparation, as your success depends on researching the proper foundations.

However, this is where many spend way too much time. You might believe the more you research, the more you’re prepared, and the more you’ll succeed.

But that’s not how it works. It’s a trick your mind does to postpone the inevitable.

At some point, you do need to take action and at least try to put a dent into the work.



Karen karen
Writer for

Writer. Avid Traveler. Translator. Be yourself. Own your future. What’s your feeling today?