How to Talk to Yourself So You Will Listen

And listen to yourself so you will talk

Nihan Kucukural


A self-confident woman looks into a mirror, created by the author on Midjourney

The above headline comes from the title of a parenting book. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk is a bestselling book written by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. It was first published in 1980 and has since been widely popular among parents, educators, and child-care professionals.

The book teaches practical communication techniques and strategies for effectively communicating with children of all ages. It covers topics such as how to express feelings, set limits, and resolve conflicts in a constructive way, as well as how to actively listen to children and understand their perspectives. The book is filled with real-life examples and practical suggestions that can be applied to daily interactions with children.

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish basically teach us how to parent without abusing our children: Without punishing, yelling, or bribing. Gaining the children’s cooperation and resolving conflicts effectively. Disciplining kids in a compassionate and peaceful way.

Yet — is it only kids who need the discipline to learn and grow? We, adults, need it to be our best selves, and succeed in our personal and professional lives, too.

Could we improve our self-discipline by…



Nihan Kucukural

Turkish copywriter and screenwriter based in New Zealand. I am addicted to stories. I write screenwriting/copywriting advice and occasional funny stuff.