How to Turn Anger Into Strength by Integrating Our Shadow

Harnessing our shadow can lead to unexpected rewards

James Nelmondo


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I felt contempt for my shadow self. I watched it lash out at the world when I was in pain and clung to it for companionship when I was bitter, sinking into its depths as the world became progressively darker and less hospitable.

I hated this grotesque parody of myself I carried around that whispered in my ear like a ventriloquist’s doll, but I couldn’t let it go.

They’re out to hurt you.

They don’t know how good they have it.

They don’t deserve it.

On and on and on it droned, year after year after year. An endless torrent of dark energy separating me from my unconscious self and draining me of my resolve.

When I suffered from panic attacks because of kidney disease I realized something needed to change. Panic draws you inward, towards your core, and if all you have is fear and pain, that is what your world becomes.

Surviving the stress of a life-threatening illness meant I only had two options. Either I left the shadow behind, or I turned it into something productive.

Table of Contents
· Embracing Our Journey to Endarkenment
· How to Integrate Our Shadow



James Nelmondo

Freelancer, former infant and failed miniature painter