How You End the Year Matters More Than Ever Now

It’s never too late to change the course

Martina D.


I’m not going to lie — I’ve been struggling with 2020 fatigue.

Like so many other people, I’m exhausted. I usually love early mornings, but now I can’t get out of bed. I struggle to keep a productive day. My writing brain is vexed with me because I cannot put sufficient words to paper.

At this point, normally, the year would be wrapping up nicely. But this time around there’s so much insecurity, and the fear of the things we can’t control still feels incredibly raw.

For many of us, 2020 was supposed to be our year. We planned, we imagined, we started building. Yet nature had a different idea.

When The Going Gets Tough

My boyfriend’s career is in live music. This industry was put on hold at the end of February and hasn’t woken up for a second since. My boyfriend’s tours, his bookings, his entire professional year crumbled before him like an old dry cake, just as he was about to grab a super-rich-looking piece.

This would be enough to make anybody sulk, crawl under the bedsheets, and join the indefinite, collective live music coma.

Not my guy.



Martina D.

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