I Accidentally Sent a Sexually Explicit Text to My Employer

…and then something unexpected happened.

Brooklyn Reece


Photo by Eugene Chystiakov on Unsplash

This week, I accidentally sent a sexually explicit text to my employer.

She is one of my tutoring clients, the mother of one of my students. I have my own business as a tutor for elementary-age children. I love kids, and it’s one of my side hustles to keep me out of debt.

It was an ordinary Wednesday morning. I woke up, rolled out of bed, and looked at the clock. When I saw it, I instantly panicked. I had overslept for my 9:00 tutoring lesson. It was 8:58, and I was still in my pajamas with crazy hair, no Zoom meeting scheduled.

I texted my student’s mom. I am so sorry for the delay! I told her. I will start the Zoom meeting shortly! I tried to make my texts sound bright, enthusiastic, and genuine. She quickly typed back, No biggie! We are ready whenever!

Thankfully, I was able to get the Zoom meeting up and running within seconds. I went over to the meeting window and clicked on Invite Participants so that I could copy and paste the Zoom link for her. I usually send it in a text. I clicked the “copy” key shortcut on my computer, then pulled up our texting conversation and swiftly clicked “paste” into the message box and without even thinking about it, in my haste, I clicked…



Brooklyn Reece

(she/her) Writer. Teacher. Leftist. City enthusiast. Spreading love through words. Find me on IG @brooklynxreece or email me: brooklynreece.writer@gmail.com.