I Wish Everyone Spent a Few Years in Poverty, Like I Did

It would make the world a better place.

Jessica Wildfire


A lot of people out there still have no idea what poverty feels like. I do. My mom put us there. While there’s not much I can thank her for, it’s one thing that deserves a little gratitude. She made me a more empathetic person in the long run, even if that happened by accident.

If there’s one story I need to share with the entire world, this is it. This is the one I wish millions of people would read.

Here we go…

Mental illness is expensive as hell.

Right before my 14th birthday, my mom started acting stranger than usual. She’d always yelled and screamed. She’d always thrown things at me when I did something to upset her.

This was different.

This time, her actual words stopped making sense. So did her actions. For example, she would unscrew all the light bulbs and hide them in the freezer. When you asked her what she was doing, she’d say something like, “I’m getting the house ready to sell.” Then she’d stare at you like it made perfect sense, and you were just an idiot.

Then the conspiracy theories started. My mom told us the government was spying on us. She began to believe my dad’s…

