If You Want To Have a Longer and More Fulfilling Life, Develop This Powerful Personality Trait

Improved conscientiousness = improved life.

Alexa V.S.


Man in Blue Sweater Holding White Tablet Computer. He Knows How to develop conscientiousness to live a longer, more fulfilling life
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

My life is healthier and more fulfilling now than it was five years ago.

Now, I exercise regularly and have a rich, varied diet. Now, I read more than thirty books every year, absorb life-changing information, and share it with others through writing, which has also become a regular practice.

“How?” many have asked, wanting to know the “secret” behind my self-improvement journey.

“Conscientientiousness,” I reply. Developing this powerful personality trait has helped me better my life.

And I’m not alone.

Dr. Howard S. Friedman and Dr. Leslie R. Martin have shown in their bestselling book, “The Longevity Project,” that highly conscientious people tend to have longer, more fulfilling lives. Whether they were born this way or developed this trait later in their lives, people greatly benefited from becoming more conscientious.

What Does It Mean To Be Conscientious?

“Conscientiousness, which was the best predictor of longevity when measured in childhood, also turned out to be the best personality predictor of long life…



Alexa V.S.

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.