I’m About to Be a Dad in 30 Days. Monk Mode Is Now Activated.

Here’s how to turn your monk mode on to achieve a big goal

Tim Denning
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2022


(I will never be this guy in the gym. Love his focus though) Photo by Logan Weaver on Unsplash

30 freaking days.

That’s when my baby girl arrives. I’m excited and nervous too. My friend Danny said “expect to poo a lot while she’s in labor.”

I thought this was a strange comment. Nerves make our bodies do strange things. I have no idea what to expect. It’s going to be a crazy time.

No more good little self-help boy with 5 am morning routines and green smoothies for three meals a day.

I’m told there will be no sleep. I’m going to be changing nappies non-stop. So before all of the chaos starts, I’m switching on my monk mode.

Here’s what that means and how you can use it.

The late 2000s idea of monk mode

Some say David Cain invented monk mode.

He swears he didn’t, but who cares. Monk mode is where you focus on a big goal for a sustained period of time with unusual intensity. The idea comes from monks. They have an intense focus.

If you’ve ever been on a monk retreat you’d have seen it.

They can meditate for long periods without breaking the habit. The monk mode idea is…



Tim Denning

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