Improve Your Focus and Productivity with Interstitial Journaling

A step-by-step guide based on my personal experience and outcomes after 3 weeks of practice

Paco Cantero


4 Easy Steps to Learn Interstitial Journaling From Scratch to Improve Your Focus
Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

My admired Coach Tony taught me this technique. I started practicing this technique just 3 weeks ago. I’m writing this article because I think sometimes it’s better to explain an experience when you’re starting out, being a newbie. It may be a better moment because, when you have more experience in something, you take for granted a lot of the learning process.

This is this article’s main goal: helping you to understand and start practicing this journaling tactic you may or may not have heard of.

I’ve been interested in interstitial journaling for quite a long time. While trying to implement journaling in my life, this type of journaling always caught my eye. I started seeing “interstitial” here and there. Everywhere.

What Is Interstitial Journaling?

To understand what this technique is all about, I better share Tony’s words:

“We weren’t built for multi-tasking, so transitions between projects are very tough. We end up getting lost in procrastination. Even when we manage to transition quickly into our next project, our brain is still…



Paco Cantero

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