Is Your Path to Self-Improvement Leading to Self-Destruction?

3 ways to simplify your journey

Harley Jane


woman and broken glass
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Are you overwhelmed with the amount of self-help information out there? Are you trying to be more productive, learn the art of meditation, start a gratitude journal, be a more attentive partner, manage your grief, eat healthier, and exercise more all at the same time?

Are you trying to find peace and meaning amidst the chaos of life while simultaneously accomplishing as much as possible?

It’s somewhat of an opposition and can make you feel like you need self-help for self-help!

It’s Too Much

If you are anything like me, once you decide to do something, you go all in. I began writing in a gratitude journal, read many books on manifestation, signed up for a writing course, started about ten side hustles, and reignited my workout regimen — all in the same week.


Unfortunately, when it comes to becoming a more mindful, productive, less stressed person, the realm of possibilities is too big to go all in.

Trying to tackle everything simultaneously results in the opposite of self-improvement and starts feeling like self-destruction instead.



Harley Jane

Animal lover, numbers nerd, CPA. Writing on various topics including animals, personal growth, soul searching, entrepreneur journey, and some comedic relief.