Is Your Smartphone Stopping You from Becoming a Millionaire?

What you are really giving up by wasting 3 hours a day on your phone like the average American during your working life.

Tyler Harris


Man zoning out looking at a smartphone
Photo by Eddy Billard on Unsplash


This article was inspired by my experience of trying something suggested by Anton Kreil in his video “Ditch the Smart Phone” [1]. I respect his idea and do not want to misrepresent his words, so do yourself a favor and watch that video for yourself. Ultimately, the fundamental idea here is that you are better off to get rid of your smartphone in favor of a “dumb phone” that only does text and calls, so you can allocate your time more profitably.

To many people, the idea of getting rid of their smartphone seems preposterous. Well, I tried the idea of not using a smartphone, and it turns out that he is completely right about every point he makes here.

Over the last couple years, I have transitioned my life to be independent of my smartphone. I even went so far as to buy a GPS unit so I would not have to even use the phone for driving directions. I got my text and phone communications routed through a web-based platform to avoid the phone. I went cold turkey on social media. I turned off my notifications. The only thing I use it for is a hot spot in a…



Tyler Harris

I do consulting in and write about technology, IT certifications, programming, and business. Working on a PhD in IT.