It Is Safe to Be Happy

A conversation with the part of me that is afraid to be happy.

Jordin James
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2021


Photo by Eye for Ebony

A part of me is committed to believing something is wrong with me.

Because as long as we believe something is wrong with us, we can spend all our time fixing that thing that is wrong instead of getting out there and living our real, vulnerable lives.

This part would much rather spend their time in the minutia of our inner-world and dream of the day we are “okay enough” to get out there are make it big, than actually doing the work to get out there and make it big.

Because failure. Because judgment. Because this part holds the burden of believing that fully living our life is scary and unsafe.

Today, this part of me is ready to let go of that burden. It is safe to live our lives as our true selves. It is safe to fail. It is safe to stop trying to fix ourselves. It is safe to take a break from the constant vigilance of our inner world in exchange for more presence in the outer one.

This part of me is scared of self-discipline because other parts of me have used harsh self-discipline to try and make us be who we are “supposed” to be. But I release all need to become whoever other people think I am supposed to be. I release this again and again, whenever I am prompted. Becoming…



Jordin James

Worthiness coach, writer, parts work expert. Replacing loneliness with belonging, one part at a time. Find more: // Socials: @justjordinjames