People are Broken

We are littered with cracks and breaks.

Jill Reid
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2021


People are broken.

We are littered with cracks and breaks. If you think you’re the exception, I wish you safe travels through your self-illusion.

The truth is we didn’t start out in a shattered state.

We arrived in this world with everything we needed to take our personal life journey.

Through experience, we learned the lessons of failure, success, love, despair, awareness, disappointment, hope, and cruelty, along with many other hurdles and gifts that shaped and molded our minds and behaviors.

Along the way, we discovered the eclectic nature of perception and reality, and how quickly and easily those aspects of our human existence changed as we moved forward day-by-day.

You may have found yourself in situations when it was easy to bend, flow, and embrace change when it appeared, perhaps escaping the pain of ignorance and bias. And on occasion, you may have refused to acknowledge the need to reinvent your mindset by maintaining a rigid position, regardless of a truth that presented itself without expectation.

Fair warning: An unyielding stance may paralyze personal growth, leaving you vulnerable to the kind of pressure that…



Jill Reid

Author of Real Life | Discover Your Personal Truth | Life in Small Doses | Please God, Make Me A Writer| |