A Super Simple Organizing Strategy That Can Save You Time

And reduce stress.

AM Costanzo


Photo by Dan Azzopardi on Unsplash

Let’s not confuse being organized as being tidy.

I’m tidy. I can stack books, put papers in folders and create order like no one’s business. I am a clutter-less phenom.

What I struggle with is being organized.

I only happen to know where everything in my house resides because I’m the cleaning crew. I have a lot of neat and tidy spaces.

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned. — Ben Franklin

Being organized allows you to use your time more wisely.

Yes, it may seem like a waste of time at first, especially when we want to dive into a project or start something so we can finish it that much quicker. That’s how we often make the mistake of not being fully ready. We’re left open to unforeseen roadblocks (i.e. looking for things, researching when we should be writing, recording videos on the fly only to do them again and again.)

My office corkboard is a wasteland of sticky notes, and my computer’s desktop is littered with random files, photos, PDF’s and docs (contained chaos) that I want to get to, but because they’re not organized, I don’t see them…



AM Costanzo

Accountant turned Graphic Designer turned Personal Trainer turned Writer. I write about wellness, mindfulness, fitness and doing that thing that lights you up!