Make Hard Decisions Easy With ‘Moving Motivators’

Sometimes we are faced with two options that are of equal interest — assessing our values can help us make a decision that we’ll still agree with in the future

Britta Ollrogge, MBA


Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

I am currently facing a decision: Move abroad or continue living where I am. It is a difficult decision. And I did what I always do in such cases:

  • Created a spreadsheet.
  • Defined criteria.
  • Assigned a weighting for the criteria.
  • Evaluated the criteria for both options.

There was a winning option, but it was very close. And that close result is also what left me undecided because I’m not 100% convinced of the winning option. So much is also in favor of the alternative. After evaluating the spreadsheet, I’m just as smart as I was before. So how can I come to a decision?

Easy and hard decisions

Some light was shed on this by a talk I watched today by Ruth Chang. She explains what easy decisions are, what hard decisions are, and what possibilities lie in hard decisions.

When you have two options and one is clearly better than the other, the decision is easy. You choose the better one…



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