How Meditation Can Solve Your Anger Issues

Go from disconnection to compassion with self-awareness

Emily Jennings
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2021


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Among the benefits of meditation is internal soothing. If you learn to stop the fight-or-flight response in its tracks, you can go beyond your knee-jerk reactions and invent a new response for yourself. A new set of possibilities opens up before you. A reaction is something that is almost mechanical in nature, but a response is something that we’ve chosen. I have seen how meditation can solve anger issues by ushering in responses instead of reactions. I’ve experienced it for myself.

Anger is an explosive response to a situation where an infinite number of reactions were possible instead.

Let me explain to you how to get past the trigger and its reaction to evolve into something new. Let me show you how to enter a realm of peace where anger can’t touch you no matter what befalls you.

Understand Your Thoughts

Starting a meditation practice is beneficial in so many ways. One of the first things we notice when we start regularly meditating is that we understand our own thoughts. Our busy minds are no longer a mystery. We can see thoughts arising and falling; able to witness the process of our minds.



Emily Jennings
Writer for

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