Meta-Learning Can Change the Way You Learn Everything

Research-based techniques that you can apply right away

Ankita Sontakke


Photo by Windows on Unsplash

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

- Henry Ford

When I was at a university pursuing Masters in International Marketing Management in 2018, I vaguely remember my first introduction week to Marketing. Being a marketing enthusiast, I knew the basics of marketing or so I thought I did.

At the end of the week, while casually talking to one of my classmates, I blurted “ The lectures easy, basic and obvious.” After listening to those overconfident words coming out of my mouth, he kept quiet. I wondered why.

Slowly, I noticed that I was learning with this heavy crapload of ego that I was carrying within me.

Ego related to how little knowledge I had. Gradually, I identified the problem, let my ego take a back seat.

I replayed the first-ever lecture video with a fresh perspective, took notes, and researched further on the important keywords.



Ankita Sontakke

Hi, I’m Ankita! 👋 I offer a range of content creation services for startups in the Tech space. Website: | Newsletter: