Mindfulness Quotes to Help You Become a More Peaceful, Happy, and Loving Parent

How mindfulness can help us be more present with our kids in the midst of a busy life

Nicole Dake
Published in
6 min readSep 14, 2022


As moms, we have busy, hectic schedules. You probably ask yourself when you will ever get a chance to slow down and get some rest. With little people those plans often go astray, and we find ourselves making a peanut butter sandwich instead of getting a facial.

Do you feel like things are always moving at such a fast pace that you will never possibly get any time to yourself?

Are you tired, and wanting to slow down? To take a breather from all your responsibilities?

If you find yourself having thoughts like this often, it may be time to really slow down and take some time for Mindfulness.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness has two aspects to it: being present, and non-judgement. When we are fully present in the moment, we see things exactly as they are. We don’t think of them as being good or bad, we see the beauty in everything. Mindfulness is seeing everything with new eyes, like a child, for the first time.

When we allow ourselves to be mindfully present, we can experience the world more fully. It helps…

