One Person Can’t Do the Work of Love for Two

Is your relationship making you lonelier than being alone?

Crystal Jackson
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2023


Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

No matter how hard you try or how hard you love, you will never be able to single-handedly save a romantic relationship or make someone love you back. It’s a harsh truth that I once tried to ignore. I layered foolish optimism over past trauma and tried to make lovers love me back with my effort, humor, charm, and will. I tried to be the perfect girlfriend, and so much of my true self went into hiding in the process.

I didn’t feel safe to be the real me. Time and again, I had learned that the real me would only be loved under very particular conditions. I internalized a sense of unworthiness, and I equated hard work and love as if they were one and the same. If I loved someone, I worked harder to show them. I never wanted anyone to feel as unloved as I have felt.

One person can’t do the work of love for two. That’s not a relationship. That’s a person who has been abandoned by their partner — a single person with a relationship status that says otherwise.

There’s little lonelier than being with someone and feeling completely alone. I’d like to tell you that each time I found myself in this situation, I took myself out of it. But I didn’t. Instead, I tried to love harder and be more of what they…

