Photo by Seán P. Durham, Berlin 2020

Places of the Heart

Each day we venture into our environment, and each day we are confronted by new sights, and new experiences that our environment offers us. How we react to them is up to us; is it a test of the nerves? Or could it be a pleasant surprise — such as the simplicity of sunshine warming the facades of buildings?

Sean P. Durham
Published in
8 min readSep 7, 2020


The Fabric of Life

The places where we live become the fabric upon which our emotional lives are based; the buildings, parks and fields, the roads and the places where we stop to rest and be entertained, all become places of the heart.

We can stroll along a road and encounter a moving event; a political protest in action, stop and look and it feeds us with new impressions about the people living within our city.

Take the Time to Go Out and Look at Your City

Or visit a new building, something with the latest ideas in architecture and structure. These days you can go to Potsdamer Platz in Berlin and wonder at the tallness of the buildings, the glass facades and the techniques that the architects and builders used to ensure that the glass won’t break when hit by high…



Sean P. Durham

Berlin Notes — Creative Writing about art, Life, photography & cats.