Proven Ways to Better Consume Information

Too. Much. Information.

Johnny T. Nguyen


Woman smiling happy while working on her laptop.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Too. Much. Information.

According to Forbes, “Facebook users send on average 31.25 million messages and view 2.77 million videos every minute.” Over the last few years alone 90 percent of the data in the world was generated!

Just contemplate how massive amounts of information are being produced all the time and how that affects our daily life, from work life to personal life. Yet, in order to emerge from information overload with positivity and even increased productivity, that will take deliberate thought into why and how we consume that information. And ultimately, use innovation itself to master the consumption of data.

“Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed.”

— Terry Goodkind, writer

So, let’s discuss the methods and tips on how to navigate through these channels, and most importantly, get to a place that gives us relevant info that’ll help us further in maximizing our time and mind. By the end of this, I’ll give a few immediate takeaways that we can all use in our lives.

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Johnny T. Nguyen

All about the adventure of positivity & productivity. I’ve turned into my parents and now wake up before 6 AM… & crush it. 🔅