Pulling the Sled

Jon Townsend
Published in
7 min readOct 12, 2020


Photo by Wynand van Poortvliet on Unsplash

It’s been almost a year since I last wrote an entry on this website. I’ve thought about this a great deal. There is no profound explanation for my absence from writing about the game, nor would it matter to you, the reader. Life happens.

This has not been the easiest of years for anyone.

In this absence from writing, I’ve still received feedback regarding posts written five or six years ago and their impact on a person or group of players. On some level, it’s nice to know that people still read my work and find value.

But there was something more to it — there always is in life.

I’m well aware that people don’t really read my soccer writing because I expound on the latest tactical trends or pontificate on the best systems the world’s top teams use.

People read my work because I address the feelings, thoughts, emotions, and experiences revolving around the game and how they apply and translate it into our lives.

So, here we go.

Life can weigh heavily on our shoulders. We have choices about how we interpret this weight. Some will use that weight, that resistance imposed on their being, as a mechanism to build strength by using its resistance to push and carry that weight. Others will be pinned down by that weight. Most of us will live both realities throughout our…



Jon Townsend

Sr. Writer @thesefootytimes, IT Professional — Tech Writer, IT Compliance Analyst, Father, Husband, Footballer, Endurance Runner @jon_townsend3