Quit New Year’s Resolutions and Make Small Changes Instead

Amy Killingbeck
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2020


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

It’s that time of year again. New Year, New Me.

But we all know how that story goes.

We have all the best intentions as we diligently draft down our New Year’s Resolutions, deciding how we can improve ourselves during the coming year.

Losing weight, exercising more, saving money, spending less time on our phones, spending more time with loved ones — the list goes on. But what all of these things have in common is they are big goals.

The first couple of weeks we’ll commit ourselves as fully as we can, and then that’s it. We’re exhausted.

Going too hard, too fast, almost always ends in failure. And that’s hardly going to fill us with hope for the year ahead.

No More Resolutions

But what about if we did one thing every day that moves us closer to our overall goals?

Choosing a salad over a fast food lunch, skipping your morning Starbucks coffee to save money, setting website blockers on your phone for the day so you don’t end up mindlessly scrolling.

If you choose to pick just ONE thing each day, you may not see a monumental change overnight, but you will see small improvements each day — and that’s what will ultimately put us on the…



Amy Killingbeck

Copywriter, ghostwriter, procrastinator, and lover of cats. Avid traveller. Future best-selling novelist🤞 Find me at www.killercopy.co.uk