Re-entering Work and Society: How to Cope with Fear of Going Out (FOGO)

The best tips and strategies for managing yet another new normal.

Mariza Writes


Photo by Two Dreamers from Pexels

I’ll be honest. It was easy(er) hiding in my cocoon and pretending life had always been that way.

Maybe lockdown was the excuse I needed to stay inside without fear of looking totally not cool.

As we’re counting down to going back to normality, it’s getting increasingly more complicated. Meanwhile, others around me are super excited about the prospect.

With vaccines picking up in pace, we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Bars and restaurants reopening feels exciting, but why does it feel difficult to ease into it?

How do you deal with the anxiety of life going back to normal?

As governments around the world ease restrictions and societies gradually return to normal, post lockdown anxiety is a thing.

A recent survey from the American Psychological Association found 49% reported feeling uncomfortable about returning to in-person interactions when the pandemic ends, with 48% of those who have received the Covid vaccine feeling the same way. According to a UK survey, 38% of respondents reported fear of going out (FOGO).



Mariza Writes

I write to explore, communicate and better understand Love | Sexuality | Relationships | Midlife | Life.