Ready to Live With More Passion & Purpose?

Moms get to have their own passion & purpose, not just encourage it in their kids

Wendy Miller


Photo by: djiledesign via Getty Images Pro

Before kids, we all have dreams and goals, hopes and fantasies, and passion and purpose that we’re chasing. Once we have them, though… it sometimes seem like they just dissipate in the air like smoke. We become focused on encouraging our children to chase their dreams, goals, hopes, fantasies, passion, and purpose and forget about our own.

But it doesn’t have to be like that. You’re allowed to have passion and purpose too, Mama. And if you’re thinking it’s not possible because you have no time, energy, or some other excuse, let’s clear that up right now.

There are several things you can do to allow yourself to live with more passion and purpose.

Teach your kids age-appropriate ways to help out

One of the biggest reasons most moms feel like they don’t have time for their own passion and purpose is that they’re so busy with daily tasks. Cleaning the house, cooking the meals, running errands and transporting kids to school and extracurriculars is time-consuming.

But there comes a point where you don’t need to do it all yourself. You can start delegating responsibilities to your kids…

