Reframing 101: The Power of Perspective

How to rethink the way you think (and why you should)

Jazz Parks


Photo Credit: Nastya Dulhiier Unsplash

The way you perceive your environment will differ greatly from the person next to you. To prove this point, ask yourself, regarding the photo above, is the lady falling or flying? It doesn’t matter what the answer is. The point is the fact that two people could give different answers, purely based on two things:

  • Their perspective, and
  • Their current way of thinking.

Two people could perceive the same situation differently, but how they process those perceptions greatly influences the perceived outcome.

Make sense?


Because here’s the thing…your life — in its entirety—is purely based on how you perceive and how you process your perceptions of your life. As confusing as that might sound, coming to terms with this can and will change your life.

Do I have your attention now?


Because below, I’ve listed three techniques that I utilize every day. These specific techniques have allowed me to view my life with a clear and open mind. This way, I can look at the events in my life in a way that suits me best at any given moment.



Jazz Parks

I believe that life is about finding joy through passion, purpose, and being compassionate towards others.